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How to use 128k of Flash as a file system on the uCdimm

Thank you very much to Jakub Trznadel and Phil Whilshire for helping me getting this to work.

Basically, what this does is use the uCbootstrap loader routines which makes use of a special series of system calls into the bootstrap system. These calls are described in the header file and the Manual of the uCdimm.

In order for this to work correctly, you must have the correct header files for your system, namely

  • boostd.h
  • flash.h
  • booterr.h

Flash Layout for the 2MB type on the uCdimm

As described in the uCdimm manual, the Flash layout is as follows:

Address Range Size hex (dec) Function
0x10C00000 - 0x10C0FFFF 0x10000 (65536) Bootloader Flash Image
0x10C10000 - 0x10DDFFFF 0x1D0000 (1,900,544 or 185,6k) OS Flash Image
0x10DE0000 - 0x10dFFFFF 0x20000 (131,072 or 128k) Ext2 Flash Image

My uCdimm has an Atmel Chip AT49BV1614. Atmel suggests the use of the AT49V160 series for new designs.

Flash Procedure

Make sure that the kernel size does not extend into the Flash area. This means that you sould leave the last 128k of the Flash untouched by the Linux kernel. Usually, the kernel size is safely below 1.9MByte.

Create a ext2 file system image with a size of 128 x 1024 byte blocks (128k or 131.072 bytes) on the host system by doing something like this (this is or could be part of a Makefile):

	# Create e2fs.img with a size of 128kByte:
	cd /home/uwe/src/uclinux/flash
	dd if=/dev/zero of=e2fs.img bs=1024 count=128
	/sbin/mke2fs -F e2fs.img

Alternatively, because 16 inodes are probably too few to call your own on this image, and 6 blocks for the superuser is way too little for you, you might do a:

	/sbin/mke2fs -N 64 -m 50 -F e2fs.img

or something similar. Also see man mke2fs for this ;-)

	# Test the ext2 image:
	mkdir -p mnt
	[sudo] mount -t ext2 e2fs.img mnt -o loop
	echo "Hello from the file system" > mnt/hello.txt
	[sudo] umount mnt
	rmdir mnt

Thanks to Jakob Trznadel and Phil Wilshire, I could use a little a little Flash loader program which I compiled under the user source tree of the uClinux-dist.

You should make sure that the include files bootstd.h and flash.h are correct for your hardware. Mine are from Rt-Control and I don't think I am allowed to provide those here(?)

Ok, in order to have this image on the target system, you should do this in a directory which is accessible via e.g. NFS. In my case, I have /home/uwe/src/uclinux mounted on /usr on the target system.

On the target system, I do the following to upload the image into Flash memory and them download it into ram:

	# cd /usr/flash
	# ./fload u e2fs.img
	Flashfs emulator, v 0.0.2, Jakub Trznadel / Phil Wilshire
	-Eras\ng success dev 10c00000 1E0000 1FFFFF
	Programming success - from 10c00000 1E0000...+20000

	# ./fload d /dev/ram1
	Flashfs emulator, v 0.0.2, Jakub Trznadel / Phil Wilshire
	Starting from address 10de0000 [10DE0000]
	Downloaded sucessfully

	# mkdir /mnt/ram
	# mount -t ext2 /dev/ram1 /mnt/ram
	# cd /mnt/ram
	# ls -la
	drwxr-xr-x  3 500      500          1024  Sep 18 2002  .
	drwxr-xr-x  7 0        0            1024  Nov 30 00:02 ..
	-rw-r--r--  1 500      500            27  Sep 18 2002  hello.txt
	drwxr-xr-x  2 0        0           12288  Sep 18 2002  lost+found
	# cat hello.txt
	Hello from the file system

Ha, it works! Now you can create/write files to /mnt/ram and, when you want to write the file system back to flash, do a:

	# fload u /dev/ram1
	Flashfs emulator, v 0.0.2, Jakub Trznadel / Phil Wilshire
	-Eras\ng success dev 10c00000 1E0000 1FFFFF
	Programming success - from 10c00000 1E0000...+20000

Notes Somehow Pertaining to the Avove, Just for Reference

mkrd: This example script shows how an expandable ramfs could be created:

# mkrd - make a ram disk image

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1k count=${SIZE}
mke2fs -vm0 -O none -i ${BYTESPERINODE} /dev/ram0 ${SIZE}
tune2fs -i 0 /dev/ram0
mount /dev/ram0 /mnt
rmdir /mnt/lost+found
umount /mnt
dd if=/dev/ram0 of=ramfs${SIZE} bs=1k count=${SIZE}
./holes ramfs${SIZE} > ramfs${SIZE}.img

Click here for holes.c used above